Groups at Trinity Church of Loudoun gather every other week for fellowship, discussion, and prayer.

Most groups discuss Sunday’s sermon while others study books of the Bible, or other Christian books.

If you’re interested in our church, or the Christian faith, come and visit!

Current Groups:


Evan Gilchrist 2nd & 4th Sundays 5pm Sermon discussion


Bruce Lang 2nd & 4th Sundays 6:30pm Acts

Leesburg III


Matt Felton Every other Wednesday 7pm Newly Marrieds

Leesburg I

Jeff Perry 2nd & 4th Sundays 4pm Sermon discussion

Leesburg II

Jim Hadley Every other Wednesday 6pm Promises of God


Dan Sutherland Every other Wednesday 7pm Psalms

Round Hill

Peter Kamakawiwoole 2nd & 4th Sundays 6pm Sermon discussion

Michael Miller 2nd & 4th Sundays 5PM Being a church

If you’re interested in learning more information about a group and would like someone to reach out to you, fill out this form and we’ll be in touch soon!

Trinity Groups FAQ

What are our groups? 

Our groups are gatherings for sharing life in Christ over conversation and prayer.

What does that look like?

It looks like a group of people meeting to talk about God and His ways together, with questions, struggles, and misunderstandings welcome. Groups listen to one another, pray for one another, celebrate blessings together, and come around each another when in need. In other words, groups look like people growing in the knowledge and practice of Christ together.

Practically, this happens by group leaders facilitating conversations around the recent Sunday sermon, a book of the Bible, or a Christian book that the group reads together. These conversations lead into prayer, either all together or in smaller groups. Groups are also encouraged to include elements like singing, testimony sharing, meals, extended prayer, outreach, and other ideas that might enrich their time together.

Why do we have groups?

We have groups because we believe following Jesus is a team sport – we’re not designed to make it alone. Groups help us regularly connect with other believers to be taught, strengthened, challenged, and refreshed in ways we couldn’t be on our own.

Who are our groups for?

Our groups are for our members and visitors considering joining our church. Group members are encouraged to invite Trinity visitors to their group so that connections can form quickly.

Our groups are also open to non-believers that group members are trying to reach with the gospel. For those who are already part of other churches, our desire is for them to plug into groups and relationship in their churches.

When and where do our groups meet?

Groups meet at least twice a month for about an hour and half at a member’s home, and are offered at times that work for the leaders and hosts. Groups are encouraged to meet more regularly if they choose.

Is there a limit to a group's size?

Space and group dynamics play a significant role in how many can reasonably participate in a group, so each group will have a different “ideal size.” Generally, groups should be anywhere from 8-16 people, and should have an eye toward multiplying when they begin to feel full on a regular basis.

 How long do groups last?

Groups roughly follow the school year and are off for the summer. Groups are welcome to stay together, but if members move, or would like to be part of a new group to form new relationships, they are free to do so. Group leaders and hosts must commit to at least one full group year. If a group forms mid-year, that group should plan to reconvene in the fall.